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PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.

بيع قلبك
Be'a Albak

(Sell Your Heart)



This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the Egyptian song "Be'a Albak", which was popularized by Abdek Halim Hafez. Another way to spell the song title is "Beei3 2albak".

  • Be'a Albak (Sell Your Heart), 1957
  • Song Title in Arabic: بيع قلبك
  • In the Motion Picture Fata Ahlami (Boy of my Dreams)
  • Lyricist: Hussein al-Sayed
  • Composer: Kamal al-Tawil
  • Original Artist: Abdel Halim Hafez

Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.

About Abdel Halim Hafez

Abdel Halim Hafez was born in 1929 in a village north of Cairo. He was orphaned at a young age. His mother died a few days after giving birth to him, and his father died five years later. After a few years of living in an orphanage, he went to live with his aunt and uncle in Cairo. At age 14, he joined the Arabic Music Institute in Cairo. His big break came in 1953 when he was recruited to do a live radio performance to substitute for another artist who was unable to do it. This performance was heard by Hafez Abdel Wahab, the supervisor of musical programming for Egyptian national radio, and he opened doors for the young artist.

Abdel Halim Hafez was known as both a singer and a movie star. His music, in particular, appealed to young women because of its romantic character. At the peak of his popularity in the 1960's, he was famous both as a singer and as a movie star. He was known as the "Dark Nightingale."




Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.

Arabic Lyrics

English Translation

بيع قلبك بيع ودك .. شوف الشاري مين Sell your heart, sell your love. See who buys them.
شوف عهدي مين بعدي .. حايصونهولك مين See who keeps my promises to you after I'm gone.
العهد اللي رعاك .. والقلب اللي فداك The promise that took care of you, and the heart that sacrificed [itself] for you.
أيامه عمرها بسنين .. شوف الشاري مين Its days are worth years. See who the buyer will be.
قبل ما تنسى العهد الغالي .. فكر ليلة وهات لياليه Before you forget those precious times, think for one night, and remember the nights.
شوف مين غيرنا قضى ليالي .. عايشه بعمر شبابي فيه See who besides us has spent nights living on through their youth.
حتلاقي خطوة قلبي وقلبك .. مستنيه هناك You will find the footsteps of your heart and mine, waiting there
شايلالي كلمة فضلت .. منك لما كنت معاك carrying for me a word of yours lingering from when I was with you.
واعمل إيه قوللي ياللي فاكرني .. بهجرك أعمل إيه And what can I do? Tell me, when you think about me only to abandon me? What can I do?
بيع قلبك بيع ودك .. شوف الشاري مين Sell your heart, sell your love. See who buys them.
شوف عهدي مين بعدي .. حايصونهولك مين See who keeps my promises to you after I'm gone.
العهد اللي رعاك .. والقلب اللي فداك The promise that took care of you, and the heart that sacrificed [itself] for you.
أيامه عمرها بسنين .. شوف الشاري مين Its days are worth years. See who the buyer will be.
بتقول ناري تعبت قلبك .. مش دي النار اللي كان حبك You say that the fire of my love has made you weary. Isn't this the same fire in whose paradise your love
طاير في جنتها وسارح .. ز was soaring and floating?
ليه دلوقتي بتبعد عنها ليه Why do you now want to abandon it?
ليه دلوقتي بتهرب منها ليه ؟ Why are you now running away from it?
ما هو النهار ده زي امبارح Today is just like yesterday.
أهجر على كيفك وانساني .. مسير الأيام تجيبك تاني Abandon me if you like, and forget me. The passing of time will bring you back.
واعمل إيه قوللي ياللي فاكرني .. بهجرك أعمل إيه And what can I do? Tell me, when you think about me only to abandon me? What can I do?
بيع قلبك بيع ودك .. شوف الشاري مين Sell your heart, sell your love. See who buys them.
شوف عهدي مين بعدي .. حايصونهولك مين See who keeps my promises to you after I'm gone.
العهد اللي رعاك .. والقلب اللي فداك The promise that took care of you, and the heart that sacrificed [itself] for you.
أيامه عمرها بسنين .. شوف الشاري مين Its days are worth years. See who the buyer will be.
أنا يسعدني تبعد عني .. وتجرب غيري في هواك It would make me happy if you would leave me and try to love someone else.
شوف مين حبه أكتر مني .. لو شاف اللي أنا شفته معاك See who loves you more, if he goes through what I went through with you.
ابني آماله وهدها .. واحسب دموعه وعدها Build up his hopes and destroy them, and keep track of his tears and count them.
وتعالى قوللي بعدها .. هو حبيبك والا أنا And after that, come and tell me which of us you love, him or me.
واعمل إيه قوللي ياللي فاكرني .. بهجرك أعمل إيه And what can I do? Tell me, when you think about me only to abandon me? What can I do?
بيع قلبك بيع ودك .. شوف الشاري مين Sell your heart, sell your love. See who buys them.
شوف عهدي مين بعدي .. حايصونهولك مين See who keeps my promises to you after I'm gone.
العهد اللي رعاك .. والقلب اللي فداك The promise that took care of you, and the heart that sacrificed [itself] for you.
أيامه عمرها بسنين .. شوف الشاري مين Its days are worth years. See who the buyer will be.



Translations of
Abdel Halim Hafez's Songs On This Site

Translations on this web site for songs performed by Abdel Halim Hafez include:



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