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PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.

Yalil Yalil (La Fin Des Haricots)
(Oh Night, Oh Night, the Last Straw)


This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular French song "Yalil Yalil" (also sometimes known as "La Fin Des Haricots"), which was sung by the French ensemble Mickey 3D. Part of this song is in French, part in Arabic. Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic portion of the lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.

The music video for this song is a beautifully-done animation showing a dancer performing to live music on the portions with the Arabic lyrics. There are many video clips of this which can be found by searching the Internet for the keywords "yalil" and "mickey 3d".

Yalil Scene



Listen to MP3 Clips of This Song


Sung by Mickey 3D




Arabic & French Lyrics

English Translation

In French

Y avait plus de soleil sur la ville There was no longer sunshine in the city
Et le vent nous glaçait le dos And the icy cold wind froze our backs
Et tout le monde avait compris And everyone understood
Qu'c'était la fin des haricots That it was the last straw.*
On s'enfermait comme des débiles People stayed inside like invalids
Et on rallumait les fourneaux And fired up their furnaces
Chacun chez soi c'est plus facile Everyone at home, it was easiest
Pour soigner son manque de chaud To deal with the lack of heat.

In Arabic (CHORUS)

Yalil Yalil Nar el kalam Oh night, Oh night, The fire of words
Yalil Yalil Nessi el iyam Oh night, Oh night, I forgot the days
Yalil Yalil Tar el zaman Oh night, Oh night, time flew
Yalil Yalil bei el insan Oh night, Oh night, with other people

In French

On n'avait pas l'esprit tranquille No one had peace of mind
Et les chiens se moquaient de nous And the dogs were mocking us
Les clochards crevaient** dans la nuit The homeless people died in the night
Et l'abbé Pierre devenait fou And the priest Pierre became crazy
Si vos chiens l'hiver veulent sortir If your dogs like to go outdoors in the winter
C'est pas vraiment pour vous faire chier It's honestly not to relieve themselves for you
Mais pour vous montrer dans leur style But to show you in their own way
Votre manque d'humanité Your own lack of humanity

In Arabic (CHORUS)

Yalil Yalil Nar el kalam Oh night, Oh night, The fire of words
Yalil Yalil Nessi el Iyam Oh night, Oh night, I forgot the days
Yalil Yalil Tar el Zaman Oh night, Oh night, time flew
Yalil Yalil bei el insan Oh night, Oh night, with other people

* Literally, "C'est la fin des haricots" means "That's the end of the beans." It's an expression in French which is equivalent to the English expressions, "That takes the cake," or "That's the last straw," or "That's the limit."

** Literally, the word "crever" means burst, but it can also mean a slang word for "die", similar to how in English the word "croak" can be slang meaning to die.

Mickey 3D Cover


Listen to Clip

Artist: Mickey 3D
CD Title: Tu Vas Pas Mourir de Rire



About the Translator

The French portion of this song was translated by Shira.

The translation for the Arabic part of the lyrics was posted on tribe.net by Aicha.



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